Increasing rent and tenancy disputes in residential property
The cost-of-living crisis is hitting the UK’s landlords hard, with soaring inflation, interest rates and energy prices all exponentially adding to the cost of renting out property.
Based in the Wynyard Park Office, the team serves clients across the UK from large national corporations to those just starting out, along with investors, pension trustees, developers, business parks ad builders.
We work alongside Corporate, Employment, Intellectual Property, Licensing and Development teams to provide a full range of services to our clients.
Our “no-nonsense,” proactive approach allows our clients to be fully informed of the process from the outset. We pride ourselves on our client care and ensure that the needs of our clients are met to the highest standards at every point throughout their journey with us.
The Commercial Property team undertakes all aspects of commercial property work acting for a broad variety of investors, occupiers, developers, landowners, funders, and charities. The work undertaken includes the acquisition and disposal of investment properties, including multi-let business parks, and all related work including advising on conditional contracts, lease, rent guarantees, overage agreements, pre-let agreements and all aspects of management work.
The team also act for occupiers of retail, office, and industrial premises, and advise on all aspects of the ongoing landlord and tenant relationships; for management companies in providing ongoing support and dealing with the various requests received for information and consent when individual properties are sold; and have specific expertise in acting for registered charities.
Call: 01740 646000The Commercial Property team has significant experience in acting for both landowners and developers in the proposed development of land. This is a highly complex area where the team can provide tailored advice on different ways to structure the deal and negotiate the terms of conditional contracts, options, and clawback/overage to protect your interests.
The team have acted for a number of developers and landowners in relation to the acquisition and disposal of sites under options or conditional contracts and working with them through the planning process. They work closely with a number of local planners and can prepare section 106 agreements to support a planning application.
The Commercial Property team have over 20 years of experience in acting for Self-Invested Personal Pensions (SIPPs) and Small Self-Administered Schemes (SSAS’s) in acquiring, managing, and disposing of properties. We are also able to act in the in-specie transfer of properties from one provider to another.
This is a highly specialised area, and our experience enables us to have a full understanding of the rules and regulations involved when a property is owned by a SIPP or a SSAS. We are able to apply this knowledge at an early stage and, where appropriate, offer advice as to how a transaction can be restructured to enable the property to be acquired by the SIPP or SSAS whilst remaining compliant with the regulations.
Our Agricultural Team deals with all aspects of agricultural work, and we have particular expertise in dealing with the sale and acquisition of farms and agricultural property as well as providing advice in relation to the development of rural property for a wide variety of differing uses including residential use, commercial use and for energy and utility schemes.
We regularly act for farmers, land owners and investors in order to deal with the sale of agricultural land by way of conditional contracts, option agreements and promotion agreements in order to facilitate large scale commercial and residential development and to maximise asset value.
We undertake all other aspects of agricultural management work including providing advice on farm business tenancies, 1986 Agricultural Holdings Act Tenancies, estate planning as well as providing advice on funding and refinancing.
For a confidential discussion with a member of our Commercial Property team, contact us today by giving us a call, or submit an online enquiry via the form below and a member of the team will be in touch.
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