Key Takeaways:

  • Common Causes of Workplace Falls: Wet floors, uneven surfaces, poor lighting, and housekeeping are some of the most frequent causes of workplace falls that could lead to compensation claims.
  • Compensation for Minor Injuries: Depending on the injury’s severity, you could claim up to £12,000 for minor injuries like head or back injuries.
  • Liability and Negligence: To make a successful claim, you must prove that the fall was due to employer negligence or unsafe work conditions.
  • Essential Steps for Claiming: Reporting the incident immediately, gathering evidence, and seeking medical attention are critical steps to strengthening your claim.
  • Legal Support: A personal injury solicitor can guide you through the compensation process, ensuring you receive the payout you deserve.

Slips, trips and falls are pretty common in the workplace. More often than not they do not result in any kind of serious injury, and the person can just get back up again. However, there are times where the person who has fallen does hurt themselves, and is therefore within their rights to claim compensation.

The most common cause of these kinds of accidents are wet floors that are not signposted properly. As well as this, uneven floors, poor lighting, and poor housekeeping are often to blame.

How much Compensation for a fall at work

Damages recoverable can vary from a few thousand pounds to tens of thousands of pounds depending on the nature of the injury.

If you’re wondering if you can claim compensation for a fall at work, it’s worthwhile consulting a personal injury solicitor. Our team of accidents-at-work solicitors are experts in helping victims secure fair compensation.

In this post we’re going to give you some basic information to help you decide if the slip, trip or fall you have suffered could result in compensation, and what you should do.

How much Compensation for a fall at work?

The amount of compensation that you can receive for a fall at work is going to vary on a range of different factors.

For example, it depends on the injury and how long you are going to need to be off of work. Each of these factors need to be taken into account before an accurate amount of compensation can be awarded.

However, there are some average figures to give you an idea of what you could be entitled to:

  • Minor head injury - up to £12,000
  • Minor back injury - up to £12,000
  • Minor sprain – up to £5,000

These are just a few of the areas that you could injure when you have a fall at work. Keep in mind that these are all assuming that the injury is minor or mild.

Understanding Liability

In order to recover damage for an injury, it is necessary to establish fault on the part of another person or an entity such as an employer or public authority.

For example, if a business has not been keeping up to date with health and safety practices, and this negligence has contributed to the accident, the business would be liable.

Even if the injured person was partly to blame for the accident, they still may be able to recover damages, albeit they may be reduced by a percentage to reflect their degree of fault.

The only way that the injured party would be held liable for a workplace accident is if they ignored safety procedures put into place, or if they were doing something dangerous that they should not have been doing.

Types of Falls Covered

There are a whole range of falls that will be covered by a compensation claim. One example would be if an employee was walking along a corridor for instance and they ended up slipping because there was some kind of liquid on the ground.

This can result in broken bones, bruising, or general pain. The same kind of fall can be caused by hazards that have been left in the middle of hallways, or wires being exposed and tripped on.

If there are uneven surfaces and someone falls on one of these, this may be covered. Or, if someone falls down the stairs and the employer doesn’t have anti-slip stairs or a handrail.

It is worthwhile discussing the specifics of your case with a personal injury solicitor (like us) to get expert advice on whether or not you have a claim. 

Gathering Incident Details

After having fallen or slipped, you need to note down and properly document what happened. It’s important to note down all of your personal details, the date and time of the accident, the injury that you sustained and what caused the injury.

Ensure that you are including anything that may have contributed to the fall and if there were any witnesses. This should be logged in the business’ accident book, and it’s always a good idea to take a picture if you can just so that you can use this as evidence.

Types of Falls Covered for a claim

Reporting the slip, trip or fall at work

It’s extremely important that you are reporting the slip, trip or fall to the proper person so that it can be documented accurately.

Your company should have a designated person to look after this. If they don’t this may result in a higher compensation pay out due to negligence. If you have suffered a fall or slip at work, you should speak to this designated person immediately if you are able.

You will likely have to fill out an incident report so that there is a record of this other than the accident book. It is important that you do this as soon as possible so that the information that you give is as accurate as possible.

The other reason that this needs to be done quickly is because if it does get disputed by the company and you waited days to report the incident, this reflects poorly on you.

Seeking Medical Attention

You should seek out medical attention as soon as you are able after you have suffered a fall, slip, or trip that has injured you. If you are able to leave work and go straight to a doctor, we recommend that you do this. If the fall was severe and you need to have an ambulance called, ensure that you obtain a copy of this report for your claim.

Your medical records may play a large part in ensuring your compensation claim succeeds. If there is no record of you seeking medical attention for your injury, then your claim may not be successful.

Consulting with a Solicitor

You do have the option to consult with a solicitor to get some legal advice about whether or not you can claim compensation for a fall that you have sustained. It’s always a good choice to hire experts in work-place accident cases, like the TBI team, so you’re represented in the best way possible, to receive the best payout possible.

Our team has decades of experience in helping victims of falls claim compensation. We’re able to assess the situation in full, take care of the legal issues, and put you in position to receive a fair payout for your troubles.

Filing the Compensation Claim

It’s important that if you are going to file a compensation claim that you do so within three years that the slip, trip or fall occurred. However, the sooner you do this, the more likely you are to be successful in your claim. The best way to do this is to speak to us so we can get the ball rolling and relieve you of any admin headaches.

fall at work claims

Negotiating Compensation For a Fall at Work Claim

The amount of compensation that you will be entitled to will depend on a number of different factors. People often ask can I claim compensation for a fall, but they don’t consider all of the factors that will contribute to how much this will be. For example, the severity of the fall and the injury sustained will be taken into account. Your salary, how much money you lost due to the injury, whether there are any paid holidays left and so much more.

When it comes to negotiating compensation, you need to ensure that you are consulting a professional in what is fair and what is not. Look at the average payout for your kind of injury and use this as a base. Also, if you are planning to resign, wait until the compensation amount has been agreed as this can negatively impact it.

Appealing a Decision

If your initial claim for a fall or slip is denied, then you are able to appeal. You will need to fill out the appropriate form to let the deciding body know that you are appealing this decision. From there you will have time to gather any more evidence that you may need to help strengthen your case. If you didn’t have legal assistance for your claim, we recommend that you seek some out for your appeal. A legal professional will be able to give you advice on what went wrong and how to sort it out.


Below are some of the most common questions we get asked when it comes to claiming for a slip, trip or fall at work. If you need any more information, please contact a member of our personal law team.

Can I claim compensation for a fall at work?

Yes, if you’ve been injured in a fall at work due to unsafe conditions, such as wet floors, poor lighting, or uneven surfaces, you may be entitled to claim compensation. It’s essential to prove that your employer’s negligence or failure to provide a safe environment caused your fall.

How much compensation can I receive for a fall at work?

The compensation amount varies depending on the severity of your injury. For minor injuries, such as sprains, payouts may range up to £5,000. For more serious injuries, like head or back injuries, compensation can reach up to £12,000 or more.

What should I do immediately after a fall at work?

After a fall, report the incident to your employer, make sure it’s logged in the accident book, and gather evidence such as photos of the scene and witness statements. Seek medical attention as soon as possible to support your injury claim.


How long do I have to make a compensation claim for a fall at work?

You typically have three years from the date of the fall to file a claim. It's advisable to seek legal advice and begin the claim process as soon as possible, as the more time passes, the harder it can be to gather the necessary evidence.

how much for a fall at work

What kind of evidence do I need to support my claim?

To strengthen your compensation claim, you will need to gather a detailed incident report, witness statements, medical records, photos of the accident scene, and any relevant documents showing the unsafe conditions that caused your fall.

Can I claim compensation if I was partially at fault for the fall?

Yes, you may still be able to claim compensation even if you were partially at fault. However, the amount of compensation awarded may be reduced to reflect your degree of responsibility in the accident.

Will I need a solicitor to make a compensation claim?

While it's not mandatory, having a solicitor can significantly improve your chances of success. They can guide you through the legal process, gather the necessary evidence, and negotiate a fair settlement on your behalf.

How many people suffer from slips and falls at work

According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), slips, trips, and falls are among the most common workplace accidents in the UK. In 2022/2023, there were over 40,000 reported non-fatal injuries caused by slips, trips, and falls. These incidents account for nearly one-third of all workplace injuries, highlighting the importance of maintaining safe working environments to prevent such accidents.

How We Can Help If You've Had a Fall at Work

So, the key things that you need to take away from this article are as follows:

  • Report your incident to your employer as soon as possible
  • You need to gather your evidence quickly and efficiently
  • Legal help will always be the best option
  • You will need to prove that the injury was caused by negligence or non-action of the guilty party.

We strongly encourage you to seek out legal assistance if you want to know the answer to the question: “can I claim compensation for a fall at work” with our personal injury solicitors team.

Here at TBI, our legal representatives will fight for you to get the very best out of your fall claim, and to make the process as quick and easy as possible.

You can contact us today to see if you’re eligible to claim compensation for your fall at work.

can I claim compensation for a fall at work