Digital Assets

Without access to your online and social media accounts, digital assets, logins and password information, the executors of your Will may find it difficult to deal with aspects of your digital life. To avoid this, we would advise that you spend a little time putting this together as a hardcopy and providing it to your loved ones in case they need it.

They could include anything you do electronically, including:

  • Email accounts
  • Shopping accounts
  • Device passwords
  • Social media passwords
  • Photographs
  • Dropbox & iCloud
  • Online banking / PayPal
Digital Assets
Contact us

Contact us

Our specialist probate solicitors can offer impartial, honest, and caring advice on all aspects of Digital Assets, Wills, Tax Planning, Care, Estates and Powers of Attorney.

If you don’t have a Will or have one that requires updating don’t put it off, call us today to make an appointment to review your situation.

01429 856744