Use of social media in family breakdowns
It is forecast that, by the end of this year, 90 per cent of the UK adult population will use a social media account at least once a month.
The breakdown of a relationship is often one of the most difficult and stressful experiences in a person’s life. By giving you the right help, advice, and support from the outset, we can assist you in navigating what can seem a daunting, and at times, emotional process.
With advent of the “no blame” divorce/dissolution system coming into force as from April 2022 the system is intended to reduce the risk of conflict that could arise from relying on a fact that sought to blame the other party. However, we recognise that intending to separate can still be highly emotive even without seeking to lay blame.
Our team of specialist, sympathetic and approachable lawyers will give you the advice and support you need, whatever your circumstances.
Our team of specialist, sympathetic and approachable lawyers will give you the advice and support you need, whatever your circumstances.
We will explain the options available to you and not just automatically take a court-based approach. We will guide you as sensitively as possible particularly where there are other issues to resolved be it the financial aspects arising from separation or the arrangements for your children.
Our team of specialist, sympathetic and approachable lawyers will give you the advice and support you need, whatever your circumstances. Tilly Bailey & Irvine's experienced divorce solicitors in the North East can be found in Hartlepool, Wynyard, Stockton-on-Tees, and Barnard Castle.
We will explain the options available to you and not just automatically take a court-based approach. We will guide you as sensitively as possible particularly where there are other issues to resolved be it the financial aspects arising from separation or the arrangements for your children.
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