What is probate?

What is probate?

Many people are worried about “going to Probate,” which refers to obtaining legal authority to deal with the deceased person’s property and assets. This is because people are unsure of what the process is like and what is expected of them, when really it is nothing to worry about if done correctly and with expert legal representatives on hand.

Dealing with the affairs of someone who has died can be a very difficult and stressful task, particularly if you are not used to dealing with finances or do not know much about the affairs of the deceased.

What is a probate application?

When someone dies, an application is made to the court which issues a grant of probate if there is a will, or a grant of letters of administration if there is no will. This is a routine step which we will make for you, meaning that you don’t have to, and you can focus on the grieving process without any additional stress.

Before the court issues such a grant, the Inland Revenue have to be paid any inheritance tax due or be satisfied that no tax is payable. Once this is complete, the deceased’s income tax affairs have to be concluded.

What is a probate application?
How can Tilly Bailey & Irvine help?

How can we help?

Our specialist probate solicitors can offer impartial, honest, and caring advice on all aspects of Wills, Tax Planning, Care, Estates and Powers of Attorney.

If you would like to speak to a member of our team regarding probate, call us today to make an appointment to review your situation, or fill in an online enquiry form and someone will be in touch.

Call: 01429 856744